La ozonoterapia: una alternativa en el tratamiento de enfermedades / The ozone therapy: an alternative in the pathology treatment
Texto completo:
Palabras clave: ozono; medicina alternativa; productos ozonizados.
The ozone is an allotropic gas of oxygen that is very important in the stratofes. In 1785 they discovered and the therapeutic use started in the First World War. Gradually established in the field of medicine. The ozone can react with different substance presented in the cells, producing derivative that practice different biological functions with the fin generate an immune response in the organism. The ozone therapy is used in the treatment of different pathologies trough multiples techniques in between them, ozonized products that allows the mayor access of the ozone benefits, placing it like that the ozone therapy is an alternative medicine with a lot of potential. In this bibliographic revision they described the therapeutics effects of the ozone gas and the ozonized products and its importance in the medicine. Key words: ozone; alternative medicine; ozonized products.
Palabras clave
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