Eutanasia y el Suicidio medicamente asistido / Euthanasia and medically assisted suicide
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Palabras clave: eutanasia; suicidio medicamente asistido; autonomÃa.
The purpose of this work is to establish the level of knowledge and opinions on medically assisted suicide (MSA) and euthanasia of second year medical students at the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM). A descriptive transversal study was applied to 148 students from two quartets in form of a survey administered between December 2016 and April of 2017. To elaborate this study, 33 bibliographical sources were cited and the level of knowledge on the subject among the second years was established to be two thirds where factors such as religion did not influence as expected. Euthanasia and MSA are legal in few countries in the world, predominantly in occidental Europe and North America. The ethical and moral considerations to have in relation to euthanasia and MSA are diverse and complex. Compassion and autonomy are necessary when discussing this topic. Key words: Euthanasia; medially assisted suicide; autonomy.
Palabras clave
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