La intersectorialidad en Cuba para enfrentar la COVID 19 / Intersectoriality in Cuba to address COVID 19
Texto completo:
La salud es el resultado de aspectos sociales, culturales, económicos, biológicos y ambientales, que conciernen a las familias, las personas, la comunidad y a los sectores sociales. EL objetivo de este trabajo es resaltar el rol de la intersectorialidad para combatir la COVID 19 en Cuba. La intersectorialidad es la intervención coordinada de Instituciones representativas de más de un sector social, en acciones para abordar un problema vinculado con la salud, su bienestar y calidad de vida. En el paÃs existen polÃticas públicas para contener la COVID-19: aislamiento, cuarentenas, distanciamiento social, reordenamiento del comercio, reordenamiento laboral, restricciones de viajes y participación comunitaria entre otras desde la intersectorialidad. Las lecciones aprendidas de otras naciones con experiencias exitosas y la propia práctica en Cuba de afrontar otras epidemias, enseñan que solo una voluntad polÃtica consciente en conjunto con el Sistema Nacional de Salud y el resto de los sectores sociales pueden contener y controlar la epidemia.
Health is the result of social, cultural, economic, biological and environmental aspects, which concern families, individuals, the community and social sectors. The objective of this work is to highlight the role of intersectoriality in combating COVID 19 in Cuba. Intersectoriality is the coordinated intervention of institutions representing more than one social sector in actions to address a problem related to health, well-being and quality of life. In the country there are public policies to contain COVID-19: isolation, quarantines, social distancing, trade reorganization, labor reorganization, travel restrictions and community participation among others from an intersectoral perspective. Lessons learned from other nations with successful experiences and Cuba's own practice in dealing with other epidemics show that only a conscious political will in conjunction with the National Health System and the rest of the social sectors can contain and control the epidemic.
Health is the result of social, cultural, economic, biological and environmental aspects, which concern families, individuals, the community and social sectors. The objective of this work is to highlight the role of intersectoriality in combating COVID 19 in Cuba. Intersectoriality is the coordinated intervention of institutions representing more than one social sector in actions to address a problem related to health, well-being and quality of life. In the country there are public policies to contain COVID-19: isolation, quarantines, social distancing, trade reorganization, labor reorganization, travel restrictions and community participation among others from an intersectoral perspective. Lessons learned from other nations with successful experiences and Cuba's own practice in dealing with other epidemics show that only a conscious political will in conjunction with the National Health System and the rest of the social sectors can contain and control the epidemic.
Palabras clave
intersectorialidad, COVID 19 / ntersectoriality, COVID 19.