La terapia con plasma hiperinmune por anticuerpos de convalecientes como tratamiento contra la Covid -19 / Therapy with hyperimmune plasma by convalescent antibodies as a treatment against Covid -19
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Se realizó una revisión sobre el tema consultando las bases de datos Pubmed, SCIELO, Lilacs, Cochrane Library y Web of Science, seleccionándose 20 referencias. El plasma de convalecientes es una Inmunoterapia pasiva que se ha usado para el tratamiento y prevención de muchas enfermedades infecciosas por más de un siglo. Dada la falta de tratamiento especÃfico para el nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, el plasma de convalecientes ha sido una alternativa terapéutica potencial contra la Covid-19. Como objetivo se planteó: Describir los resultados sobre el empleo del plasma de convalecientes de Covid 19 como alternativa terapéutica. El plasma de convalecientes ha mostrado efectividad en el tratamiento de varias enfermedades infecciosas virales y bacterianas. Esto motivó a médicos e investigadores a elegirla ante la pandemia del Covid-19. Se ha utilizado a lo largo de todo el mundo, China, España, Italia, Estados Unidos y Cuba. Ha tenido resultados alentadores, disminuyendo número de complicaciones y la mortalidad. A pesar de esto algunos plantean que es necesaria la realización de mayor número de ensayos clÃnicos controlados y aleatorizados que confirmen su efectividad y seguridad.
A review on the subject was carried out by consulting Pubmed, SCIELO, Lilacs, Cochrane Library and Web of Science databases, selecting 20 references. Convalescent plasma is a passive immunotherapy that has been used for the treatment and prevention of many infectious diseases for more than a century. Given the lack of specific treatment for the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, convalescent plasma has been a potential therapeutic alternative against Covid-19. The objective was: To describe the results on the use of Covid 19 convalescent plasma as a therapeutic alternative. Convalescent plasma has shown effectiveness in the treatment of several viral and bacterial infectious diseases. This motivated physicians and researchers to choose it in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been used throughout the world, in China, Spain, Italy, the United States and Cuba. It has had encouraging results, reducing the number of complications and mortality. In spite of this, some argue that a greater number of randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to confirm its effectiveness and safety.
A review on the subject was carried out by consulting Pubmed, SCIELO, Lilacs, Cochrane Library and Web of Science databases, selecting 20 references. Convalescent plasma is a passive immunotherapy that has been used for the treatment and prevention of many infectious diseases for more than a century. Given the lack of specific treatment for the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, convalescent plasma has been a potential therapeutic alternative against Covid-19. The objective was: To describe the results on the use of Covid 19 convalescent plasma as a therapeutic alternative. Convalescent plasma has shown effectiveness in the treatment of several viral and bacterial infectious diseases. This motivated physicians and researchers to choose it in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has been used throughout the world, in China, Spain, Italy, the United States and Cuba. It has had encouraging results, reducing the number of complications and mortality. In spite of this, some argue that a greater number of randomized controlled clinical trials are needed to confirm its effectiveness and safety.
Palabras clave
SARS-Cov-2, Covid-19, inmunoterapia pasiva; plasma hiperinmune / SARS-Cov-2, Covid-19, passive immunotherapy; hyperimmune plasma