Manifestaciones neurológicas asociadas a la COVID-19 / Neurological manifestations associated with COVID-19
Texto completo:
El sistema nervioso no escapa a la afectación multisistémica causada por el SARS-CoV-2. El objetivo de la presente revisión bibliográfica es describir las manifestaciones neurológicas asociadas a la COVID-19. Para ello se revisaron 28 artÃculos cientÃficos y se tomaron algunos datos de páginas oficiales de noticieros reconocidos. Se encontró que los mecanismos de acceso y daño al Sistema Nervioso Central pueden ser directos o indirectos. Sobre estos últimos, el daño inmunomediado fue la teorÃa que tuvo mayor fuerza; sin embargo, esto no descartó la capacidad neurotrópica del virus. Las manifestaciones neurológicas fueron más frecuentes en pacientes graves y con comorbilidades previas. En las afectaciones del Sistema Nervioso Central se identificaron la cefalea, las alteraciones de la conciencia, la encefalopatÃa, la encefalitis, el accidente cerebrovascular y la mielitis aguda. En relación al SNP se encontraron las alteraciones del gusto y del olfato y el sÃndrome de Guillain-Barré.
The nervous system does not escape the multisystemic involvement caused by SARS-CoV-2. The aim of the present literature review is to describe the neurological manifestations associated with COVID-19. For this purpose, 28 scientific articles were reviewed and some data were taken from official pages of recognized news outlets. It was found that the mechanisms of access and damage to the Central Nervous System can be direct or indirect. Regarding the latter, immune-mediated damage was the strongest theory; however, this did not rule out the neurotropic capacity of the virus. Neurological manifestations were more frequent in severe patients with previous comorbidities. Central nervous system disorders included headache, alterations of consciousness, encephalopathy, encephalitis, stroke and acute myelitis. In relation to PNS, alterations of taste and smell and Guillain-Barré syndrome were found.
The nervous system does not escape the multisystemic involvement caused by SARS-CoV-2. The aim of the present literature review is to describe the neurological manifestations associated with COVID-19. For this purpose, 28 scientific articles were reviewed and some data were taken from official pages of recognized news outlets. It was found that the mechanisms of access and damage to the Central Nervous System can be direct or indirect. Regarding the latter, immune-mediated damage was the strongest theory; however, this did not rule out the neurotropic capacity of the virus. Neurological manifestations were more frequent in severe patients with previous comorbidities. Central nervous system disorders included headache, alterations of consciousness, encephalopathy, encephalitis, stroke and acute myelitis. In relation to PNS, alterations of taste and smell and Guillain-Barré syndrome were found.
Palabras clave
manifestaciones, neurológicas, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, neurotropismo / manifestations, neurological, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, neurotropism