Netrina-1: Su posible uso terapéutico sobre el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis / Netrina-1: Its posible therapeutic use on the development of atherosclerosis
Texto completo:
Palabras clave: Aterosclerosis; monocito; macrófagos; Netrina-1.
A bibliography revision was carry out in 14 articles and two books about the pathological processes that contributes in the formation of the atherosclerosis and they valorized the effects of the netrina-1 about the pathogen and its possible therapeutic use. The atherosclerosis is clinically important because it constitutes in the base of the pathogen of the chronic diseases that presents a high rate of morbidity and mortality in relation with whichever other disease in the occidental world. The cause of the development of the atherosclerosis is multifactorial that includes different factors like: individual lifestyle, biological factors and genetics. The past years they demonstrated that the netrina-1 protein is a key modulator for the pathological process of atherosclerosis since it inhibits the formation of the atheroma plate. An atheroma plate is mainly a deposition of elevated cholesterol in the intimate tunic. Therefore, it has been shown that the role of monocytes in the development of atherosclerosis as well as the high-density lipoprotein administration is potential factors for therapeutic intervention. Therefore, many of the medical advances are aimed at the cure of various pathogens conducted by these cardiovascular disorders.
Key words: atherosclerosis; monocytes; macrophages; netrina-1.
Palabras clave
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