La morfologÃa, fisiologÃa y las anomalÃas comunes de la placenta / The morphology, physiology and common abnormalities of the placenta
Texto completo:
La placenta es el órgano más especializado implicado en el desarrollo embrionario que gracias a su compleja estructura y con la ayuda del lÃquido amniótico favorece el crecimiento y desarrollo del feto en formación. Se brinda oxÃgeno y nutrientes al bebé en crecimiento y elimina los residuos de su sangre. Los objetivos de este artÃculo son describir la morfologÃa placentaria, destacando las estructuras más importantes para el desarrollo fetal, explicar la fisiologÃa de la placenta, en cuanto a sus funciones de nutrición del feto e identificar las anomalÃas que afectan el embarazo y el parto. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artÃculos con un enfoque en la morfologÃa placentaria, su fisiologÃa y las anomalÃas que más presentan. La placenta tiene una forma discoidea especializada con un diámetro de 15 a 25 cm. Cumple las funciones de la separación de circulaciones sanguÃneas materna y fetal, controla la transferencia placentaria y evita el paso libre de las moléculas. Las anomalÃas más frecuentes son el desprendimiento placentario, placenta previa y placenta adherida.
The placenta is the most specialized organ involved in embryonic development. Thanks to its complex structure and with the help of the amniotic fluid, it promotes the growth and development of the developing fetus. It provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby and removes waste from its blood. The objectives of this article are to describe placental morphology, highlighting the most important structures for fetal development, to explain the physiology of the placenta, in terms of its fetal nutrition functions, and to identify the anomalies that affect pregnancy and delivery. A bibliographic review of articles was made with a focus on placental morphology, its physiology and the most common anomalies. The placenta has a specialized discoid shape with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm. It performs the functions of separating maternal and fetal blood circulation, controls placental transfer and prevents the free passage of molecules. The most frequent anomalies are placental abruption, placenta previa and placenta accreta.
The placenta is the most specialized organ involved in embryonic development. Thanks to its complex structure and with the help of the amniotic fluid, it promotes the growth and development of the developing fetus. It provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby and removes waste from its blood. The objectives of this article are to describe placental morphology, highlighting the most important structures for fetal development, to explain the physiology of the placenta, in terms of its fetal nutrition functions, and to identify the anomalies that affect pregnancy and delivery. A bibliographic review of articles was made with a focus on placental morphology, its physiology and the most common anomalies. The placenta has a specialized discoid shape with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm. It performs the functions of separating maternal and fetal blood circulation, controls placental transfer and prevents the free passage of molecules. The most frequent anomalies are placental abruption, placenta previa and placenta accreta.
Palabras clave
Placenta, MorfologÃa, FisiologÃa, AnomalÃa / Placenta, Morphology, Physiology, Anomaly.