Importancia del sueño en los procesos de aprendizaje y memoria para los estudiantes universitarios / Importance of sleep in learning and memory processes for college students
Texto completo:
El sueño es un proceso fisiológico de vital importancia para la salud del ser humano. La calidad del sueño implica consolidar la memoria, tema abordado en la asignatura Sistemas Nervioso, Endocrino y Reproductor que requiere ser profundizado por los estudiantes, siendo este grupo proclive a padecer trastornos del sueño. Esta revisión de doce referencias bibliográficas sobre aspectos del sueño en relación con la consolidación de la memoria y aprendizaje persigue como objetivo caracterizar aspectos del sueño que resultan de interés práctico para el estudiante universitario. El resultado de la revisión constata que el sueño es un proceso fisiológico necesario para mantener la salud, que la población joven es especialmente proclive a desarrollar trastornos del sueño, lo que afecta el proceso de aprendizaje y memoria; asà como los efectos que ejercen distintas sustancias de uso común en este grupo poblacional. Finalmente relacionar la prevención de alteraciones del sueño con una adecuada higiene del sueño.
Sleep is a physiological process of vital importance for human health. The quality of sleep involves consolidating memory, a subject addressed in the Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive Systems course that requires further study by students, as this group is prone to suffer from sleep disorders. This review of twelve bibliographic references on aspects of sleep in relation to memory consolidation and learning aims to characterize aspects of sleep that are of practical interest to university students. The result of the review shows that sleep is a physiological process necessary to maintain health, that the young population is especially prone to develop sleep disorders, which affects the learning and memory process; as well as the effects of different substances commonly used in this population group. Finally, to relate the prevention of sleep disorders with an adequate sleep hygiene.
Sleep is a physiological process of vital importance for human health. The quality of sleep involves consolidating memory, a subject addressed in the Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive Systems course that requires further study by students, as this group is prone to suffer from sleep disorders. This review of twelve bibliographic references on aspects of sleep in relation to memory consolidation and learning aims to characterize aspects of sleep that are of practical interest to university students. The result of the review shows that sleep is a physiological process necessary to maintain health, that the young population is especially prone to develop sleep disorders, which affects the learning and memory process; as well as the effects of different substances commonly used in this population group. Finally, to relate the prevention of sleep disorders with an adequate sleep hygiene.
Palabras clave
Sueño, jóvenes, factores, aprendizaje, memoria / Keywords: Sleep, young people, factors, learning, memory.