Genética del asma bronquial / Genetics of bronchial asthma
Texto completo:
El asma bronquial es una de las enfermedades complejas y comunes del adulto no transmisible y multifactorial que se caracteriza por ataques recurrentes de disnea y sibilancia. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el fin de Explicar el asma bronquial como enfermedad multifactorial con un enfoque genético identificando los factores genéticos y ambientales que participan en la aparición de la misma. El asma tiene una clara agregación familiar, siendo más frecuente el desarrollo de la misma en un niño si sus padres son asmáticos por lo que la genética juega un papel muy importante contribuyendo con los factores ambientales pero modificando los factores ambientales se puede prevenir su aparición.
Bronchial asthma is one of the complex and common noncommunicable and multifactorial adult diseases characterized by recurrent attacks of dyspnea and wheezing. A literature review was performed in order to explain bronchial asthma as a multifactorial disease with a genetic approach by identifying the genetic and environmental factors involved in its occurrence. Asthma has a clear familial aggregation, being more frequent the development of it in a child if his parents are asthmatic so genetics plays a very important role contributing with environmental factors but modifying the environmental factors can prevent its appearance.
Bronchial asthma is one of the complex and common noncommunicable and multifactorial adult diseases characterized by recurrent attacks of dyspnea and wheezing. A literature review was performed in order to explain bronchial asthma as a multifactorial disease with a genetic approach by identifying the genetic and environmental factors involved in its occurrence. Asthma has a clear familial aggregation, being more frequent the development of it in a child if his parents are asthmatic so genetics plays a very important role contributing with environmental factors but modifying the environmental factors can prevent its appearance.
Palabras clave
Asma bronquial, multifactorial, genética y factores / Bronchial asthma, multifactorial, genetics and environmental factors